Samarinda – Thursday (22/5). Awang Faroek, Governor of East Kalimantan, accepted and welcomed the participants of Tanwir and all members of Muhammadiyah at Assembly Hall of East Kalimantan Provincial Government building. On this occasion, the Governor of East Kalimantan happily welcomed the participants of Tanwir from provinces all over Samarinda.
AwangFaroek said that continuous collaboration was needed between the province of East Kalimantan and Provincial Executive of Muhammadiyah of East Kalimantan. Awang Faroek wanted cooperation in the field of education, such as the establishment of Muhammadiyah university in this province.
DinSyamsuddin, Chairmanof Central Executive of Muhammadiyah, also welcomed the willingness of the governor of East Kalimantan. He added that Tanwir was the second highest deliberations after the Muktamar of Muhammadiyah.
“The result of Tanwir in Bandung decided that East Kalimantan and South Sulawesi will be the host of the next Muktamar. However, after listening to suggestions and advices from the central committee, South Sulawesi was chosen to host the 2015 Muktamar of Muhammadiyah," said Din.
Dinalso welcomed the full support of the provincial government of East Kalimantan for this Tanwir in Samarinda. It was proven that they could be a host who can facilitate the entire event of Tanwir Muhammadiyah.