Surakarta - The second day of the congress of Muhammadiyah Students Association (IMM) at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta since it opened in Manahan Solo Stadium by the Chairman of Muhammadiyah , Din Shamsuddin last Tuesday ( 27/5 ) . This afternoon IMM Congress held a seminar on realizing the independence of the national economy. Through this seminar the participants are expected to realize an economic independence, organizationally and personally.
The single speaker in the seminar was the director of the National Zakat Institute, LAZISMU, who expressed views on what are the things that need to be realized in developing national economic independence. “Young IMM should be able to develop a lucrative business according to market needs, this advantage could then affect the development of the organization’s financial fund rising, so that IMM has alternative income funds apart from the proposal , "said Khoirul MUT , Main director of LAZISMU Center .
LAZISMU CEO, Cak Irul, added that IMM economics course must conceptualize how the independent economic development of a cadre of IMM in the area. “In realizing the concept of the independence of the national economy, of course, this congress should produce grand design of economic independence, which will be forwarded in Economics at IMM structure, " he said.
XVI IMM congress was a half-century Congress which was held yesterday ( 27/5 ) to Friday ( 30/5 ) in the Auditorium Mohammad Djazman , Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta . DPD sent hundreds of delegates and PC IMM in Indonesia to enliven agenda to Congress IMM XVI. (Dhar).