Yogyakarta- Holding a Tanwir in Samarinda, Muhammadiyah presented two candidates run for president, Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subiyanto, to have a dialog in the conference. Both candidates got attention of Haedar Nastir as one of Central Board of Muhammadiyah.
He stated that the presence of both candidates reflected and strengthened the thought, khittah, and policy of Muhamadiyah. Muhammadiyah always holds a constructive communication with National leaders, and gives opportunity to them, especially for the candidates of president and vice president, for sharing their ideas, thoughts, and visions to the public. Besides, what have been done by Muhammadiyah can give democratic and intelligent political education to the society. Haedar Nashir suggested all Muhamadiyah people exclusively through radio interview on Sunday (24/5). “From this tanwir, identify the president and vice president candidates, not only from his behavior and action, but also from his thoughts and vision as a statesman about things he will do as the national leader.
He added that Muhammadiyah people should take part and take a role, not only in political participation, but also in giving ideas and thought. “Therefore, we give Muhammadiyah noble thought about Nation through the draft of book entitled Indonesia Berkemajuan,a reconstruction of the meaningful national life” .
In that event, Muhamadiyah had formulated a National declaration in facing the Presidential Election of 2014, and it had been approved by the members of tanwir on Sunday (25/5).