Sukoharjo – The 16th Muktamar Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah (IMM) which was held since May 26th 2014 in Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, Pabelan, Kartasura, Sukoharjo, ended on Sunday evening (6/1) by announcing the 13 chosen committee members who will be responsible on organizing IMM leadership for the next two years. The event dragged on for two days from the scheduled days, which should have actually ended at May 30, 2014.
One of the members for forming committee member deciding committee, Suparta said that the deciding committee had chosen 13 forming committee. They are Yadi Kusnadi (West Java), Maulana Ishak (Bengkulu), Defi Yasmardi (West Sumatera), Beni Pramula (Banten), Ela Nofita Sari (Jambi), Abdul Rahman (South Sulawesi), Yakub (South Sulawesi), A Ridwan Al Faruqi (West Java), M Abdan Syakura (South Kalimantan), Munthazimah (North Sumatera), Ahmad fathoni (Lampung), Azrizal Nasri (Riau), and Taufan Korompot (North Sulawesi).
“They will be in charge for the next 14 days to form a structure for Badan Pimpinan Harian Dewan Pimpinan Pusat IMM 2014-2016,” Suparta explained when he was confirmed by via mobile phone in Solo on Monday (6/2).
Suparta said, the Court Leader, Mawan Anton Ilyas (the representative from North Maluku) closed the discussion on Sunday evening. The highest discussion forum of one of the Muhammadiyah autonomous organization was ended by plenary session V with the agenda of deciding the committee member.
The result of committee member meeting decided that Beni Pramula will be the General Chairman and Abdul Rahman will be the General Secretary of Dewan Pimpinan Pusat Ikatan Mahasiwa Muhammadiyah2014-2016.
When he was contacted separately, the chosen General Chairman, Beni Pramula stated that the half-century IMM moment was the future of a Nation depended on the quality of the young generations so that they could face the National challenge, especially in the 21st Century. The vast point of view on the global, regional, and national strategic environmental dynamics should be owned by the young generations who will be the Nation’s ruler. The complexity and uncertainty of the 21st Century demanded IMM, as the biggest university student organization in Indonesia, to be able to adapt. Therefore, IMM had to be able to snatch the challenge and change it into an opportunity to step forward. (dzar)