Yogyakarta – Looking back at the history, Rasulullah developed entrepreneurship to support his success to spread Islam. The initial history of Muhammadiyah was also colored with the important role of the merchants to spread the teaching of Muhammadiyah throughout Indonesia. It was as stated by the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Drs. Syukriyanto, AR. in his opening speech in front of the participants of Opening Workshop of Innovative Entrepreneurship and Training of National Muballighat Trainer, which was held by Central Executive of Nasyiatul Aisyiyah in Auditorium 3 of Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta, on Thursday (5/29).
The Workshop of Innovative Entrepreneurship and Training of National Muballighat Trainer was actually two different agenda, but it was held in the same time to be time-efficient and could be consolidation event for Central Executive of Nasyiatul Aisyiyah and Dakwah Department and Economy Department of Provincial Executive of Nasyiatul Aisyiyah in Indonesia.
Norma Sari, S.H., M.Hum as the General Chairman of Nasyiatul Aisyiyah Central Executive stated that the specific purpose of the workshop is to strengthen Badan Usaha Amal Nasyiatul Aisyiyah (BUANA) with the target that every Provincial Executive will have at least one BUANA. This is done for institutions to be able to channel their abilities and interest in entrepreneurship as well as independence in organizations’ finance. On the other hand, Training of Muballighat Trainer was directed for boost the number of Muballighat in Nasyiah to relive the study of teaching, especially in District and Sub-District, which faced complexity of problems and challenges. The Workshop was held for three days in Hotel Pangeran Mas, Karangkajen, Yogyakarta, by inviting keynote speakers from BPPT, State Minister for Cooperatives Small and Medium Enterprises, Central Executive of Muhammadiyah, Central Executive of Aisyiyah, and professionals.
In the same time, placed in Gedung Dakwah Muhammadiyah Menteng Raya 62 Jakarta, a Workshop on Citizen Journalism on National Level with the theme of Berpihak Perempuan was held. The event was followed enthusiastically by the Department of Information Communication and Public Relation PWNA in Indonesia, with the keynote speakers from MetroTV, TVMU, Kompas, and so on. Besides as the implementation of program, the chain of event that was held simultaneously in Jakarta and Yogyakarta was also a preparation for welcoming Ramadhan. Department of Cadre Leadership of Nasyiyah had called for all Central Executives to Sub-District Executives to enliven Ramadhan 1435 H. (dzar)