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‘Aisyiyah Frees Its Cadres to Choose in Presidential Election

Surakarta – In order to welcome the Presidential Election on 9 July 2014, Aisyiyah will do it according to khittah Muhammadiyah and Maklumat Kebangsaan Muhammadiyah. As stated in the third point of Maklumat Kebangsaan, the organization gives total freedom to use their voting rights cleverly, wisely, and by using their rational and spiritual thoughts to choose the President/Vice President candidates.


That was the content of the first point from Rekomendasi Kebangsaan, which was the result of Tanwir II Aisyiyah Decision read by the Secretary of Aisyiyah Central Executive, Rohimi Zamzam in Plenary Meeting of Tanwir II closing in STIKES Surakarta, Central Java, on Sunday (8/8).  The recommendation also included Presidential Candidates criteria; they are: religious, having vision and character as a statesman. “Having a vision and strong character as a statesman who will be able to build the National solidarity, putting nation’s interest above everything else, including self, political party, and the cronies,” Rohimi explained. On the other hand, ‘Aisyiyah also expected the selected President, later in his governance, will be seriously run his governance based on women’s interest by providing more job opportunities and protection for female labors. “The selected President also has to think about the proportional budgeting for women’s interest in every aspects, run affirmative action policy for women’s representation in public organization,” explained Rohimi. In order to guide Aisyiyah cadres to choose wisely, Aisyiyah also bear the responsibility to give them education. “Therefore, the chairmen of Aisyiyah are hoped to give proper education for the voters to become an intelligent, critical, and responsible voter based on the criteria stated in point three of Maklumat Kebangsaan Muhammadiyah,” Rohimi said.


Preparing Cadre

Tanwir II Aisyiyah Recommendation was directly signed by the General Chairman of Aisyiyah Central Executive, Siti Noordjannah Djohantini and the General Secretary, Dyah Siti Nuraini, also voicing Aisyiyah to do national roles. Aisyiyah has to keep running continuous political education. And among the role, Tanwir II Recommendation emphasized the preparation of future Asiyiyah cadres to become the future leader. All of these actions were efforts to realize Aisyiyah aspirations on achieving “Baldatun Thayyibatun Wa Rabbun Ghafur,” meaning developed, just, prosper, prideful, and sovereign Indonesian society.

 The following is the complete content of Tanwir II ‘Aisyiyah Surakarta Recommendation


Tanwir Aisyiyah Decision





1.        In order to welcome the Presidential Election on 9 July 2014, Aisyiyah will do it according to khittah Muhammadiyah and Maklumat Kebangsaan Muhammadiyah. As stated in the third point of Maklumat Kebangsaan, the organization gives total freedom to use their voting rights cleverly, wisely, and by using their rational and spiritual thoughts to choose the President/Vice President candidates. In placing his/her option, it should be based on the following criteria:


a)      Religious, devout, and has high integrity, in-line between his words and behavior;


b)     Has vision and strong character as a statesman who was able to build national solidarity, putting nation’s interest above everything else, including self, political party, and the cronies;


c)      Courageous on taking strategic decision to solve crucial problems faced by the country by respecting and valuing just and civilized humanity values;


d)     Achieve good governance, firm in eradicating corrupt actions, law enforcement, and saving asset and Nation’s wealth;


e)      Maintain the Nation’s dignity and sovereignty from domestic and international threat;


f)       Have changing strategy that lead to Nation’s progress; and


g)      Committed to Islamic people’s political aspiration and able to realize developed Indonesia (Indonesia yang berkemajuan).


2.       Aisyiyah as a civilians’ organization is responsible for guarding the transformational process of National leadership though Presidential Election in 2014. As stated in Maklumat Kebangsaan Muhammadiyah that it is hoped that Aisyiyah will be able to choose wisely and by using rational and spiritual considerations on choosing the President/Vice President. Therefore, the chairmen of Aisyiyah are hoped to give proper education for the voters to become an intelligent, critical, and responsible voter based on the criteria stated in point three of Maklumat Kebangsaan Muhammadiyah.


3.       To welcome the second century of Aisyiyah in its role in National cause, Aisyiyah will have to keep running continuous political education and preparing for the Aisyiyah cadres to be the future leader. All of the actions are in order to realize Aisyiyah aspirations on achieving “Baldatun Thayyibatun Wa Rabbun Ghafur,” meaning developed, just, prosper, prideful, and sovereign Indonesian society.


4.       Aisyiyah is a century-year-old organization in its fight for Nation’s bright future, which already had the model, capital, and human resources skills in every aspect of social and national life. Various models, capital, and human resources potential are already proved in programs and activities in educational field (formal and informal school); medical field (hospitals, clinics, counseling and empowerment in health); economic and employment field (n Gerakan Bela/Beli Aisyiyah, Entrepreneurship Schools that prepare women to become independent, possessing Islamic character and nationalism, giving training to full-time international labor to be independent; strengthening local leader, law accompaniment and consultation, political education and Aisyiyah’s participation in other social activities, including building boarding house for orphans and give more attention to senior citizens. By taking Maklumat Kebangsaan Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah’s role for Indonesia into account, Aisyiyah asked the selected President and Vice President in 9 July 2014 Election, so that in their 2014-2019 governance will be able to pay more attention and employ the thoughts, model, and experience and contribution of Aisyiyah for Indonesia to solve many problems faced, especially the ones concerning with women and children in all aspects.


5.       In spreading its teaching, ‘Aisyiyah faced many complex national problems, including poverty and social gap. In Indonesia, poverty is still rather high, where women are the most susceptible and suffer the most in this. Poverty also influences the low quality health facilities; lack access of education and lack of access to well-paid jobs and legal protection. Poverty is also the supporting factor of women abuse. Specifically speaking, children abuse has reached alarming status. Another problem is the continuing natural resources exploitation and most of them are controlled by the international enterprises; this will widen the social gap and poverty and ecological damage. On one hand, corruption rooted in every field, in the middle of pitiful law enforcement; rising number of hedonistic, materialistic, pragmatic, and opportunistic manner among other problems.


6.       Aisyiyah encourages the selected President and Vice President to start taking strategic actions; they are:


a.       Follow economic policies that focus on people’s interest above others as stated in UUD 1945 through progressive policies, which take side of the UMKM/small enterprises and specifically economic policies that side to women, policies to reduce the number of international loan, keeping nation’s asset for people’s welfare and creating food and energy sovereignty, which side with the farmers, fishermen, workers, and other marginalized groups.


b.       The government should follow the policies that focus on women’s interest more seriously, including providing more job opportunities and ensuring safety for female workers, providing proportional budgeting for women’s interest in all aspect, running affirmative action policy for women representation in public organizations.


c.       Follow policies that supported senior citizens to have better life quality as citizens.


d.       Follow policies that give security and safety to all citizens from every form of abuse and give strict penalty for the child and women abuser.


e.       Give firm action towards the corruptors and give penalty with deterrent effect towards them.


f.        Follow the policies which encourage and strengthen families’ lives, which in the end raising the life quality of whole nation.


g.       Follow the policies of education, which focus on values and quality character in all education level.


7.       To all selected legislative members for 2014-2019 to follow the mandate, responsibility, and work hard to fulfill the role and function for people’s interest.




Surakarta, 8 June 2014

General Chairman                                                 General Secretary







Dra. Hj. Siti Noordjannah Djohantini, MM, M.Si                      Dra. Dyah Siti Nuraini





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