Yogyakarta- Muhammadiyah Environment Council (MLH) and Public Empowerment Council (MPM) prepared Indonesia Forests Governance Policy Advocacy in a cooperation called Muhammadiyah Initiative Program in Strengthening Indonesia Forest Governance Policy Advocacy (IMPAK). The program was expected to have a concrete policy of the government to reduce deforestation and forest improvement of environmental governance in Indonesia.
Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah Congress in 2010 had discussed the environmental issues, so there must be derivative activities from the congress result. "MLH and MPM have made a program which will cooperate with the environmental governance of forest stakeholders, including Muhammadiyah universities," said Said Tuhuleley, MPM Chairman of Muhammadiyah central Board, in his speech at the Discussion of the Content and Strategic Recommendations of Muhammadiyah in Strengthening Forests Governance Policy Advocacy of Indonesia in Yogyakarta on Wednesday (18/6). Until now, according to Said, the program which is also part of cooperation with The Asia Foundation has conducted meetings and studies conducted in the three provinces, and the province is part of the cooperation program MPM and MLH to make great strides in advocating forest environmental governance.
Meanwhile, the chairman of MLH Muhjiddin Mawardi in the same occasion also said “we need a massive moral movement that starts from the Muhammadiyah internal against various policies and policy implementations that break the spirit of good forest governance. Many government programs have clear concepts and numbers, but in its implementation there is no clear measurement.
Tags: Muhammadiyah, MPM, empowerment, forest, environment, MLH, advocacy