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Home/ News/ Tarjih Council to Prepare Fikih Kebencanaan (Jurisprudence on Disaster)

Tarjih Council to Prepare Fikih Kebencanaan (Jurisprudence on Disaster)

Yogyakarta – When a disaster took place, natural disaster, non-natural disaster, and social disaster, it would always cause deprivation to the society. There would be an increasing number in orphans and the poor due to the disaster. Therefore, this was a concerning problem and should be looked upon its solution. This triggered Tarjih and Tajdid Council of Muhammadiyah Central Executive to constitute Fikih Kebencanaan (Jurisprudence on Disaster). It was started with the collection of discussion results and ideas on solving disaster problems in the workshop of Fikih Kebencanaan, the discussion results and ideas will be arranged into a book.

It was as stated by the Vice Chairman of Tarjih Council of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Drs. H. A. Muhsin Kamaludiningrat, when he opened Workshop on Fikih Kebencanaan that was held by Tarjih and Tajdid Council of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, collaborated with Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center of Muhammadiyah Central Executive (MDMC), and Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY). This workshop was held in plenary hall of AR. Fakhruddin A Building, 5th Floor, Kampus Terpadu, UMY on Wednesday (6/25).

Muhsin explained that the book will include three main important points on disaster; they are disaster in general, disaster in religious view, and how to respond to disaster victims. Disaster in general will talk about natural disaster, non-natural disaster, and social disaster such as social conflict that is not included in the Constitutions. “Because the Constitutions only include the existing natural disaster like Tsunami in Aceh, Earthquake and Eruption in Jogja. The disaster in religious point of view will talk about how we have to respond to a disaster in religious perspective. It will be emphasized in the impact of the disaster, because disaster is a natural law. Well, we have to focus on the humans, because sometimes we don’t know that we have to take care of the environment, so that when it happened, we will not suffer much,” he explained. 

On the other hand, in order to respond to the disaster victims, Muhsin added, as humans we have to hold out our hands to them. Because the victims suffered out of the disaster, as humans we have to care for the victims. This was Fikih Kebencanaan becomes the explanation of theology spirit of Al-Ma’un that was practiced by Muhammadiyah for a long time. (bhp umy) (mac)

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