Sleman - Hizbul Wathan abbreviated HW has become a large organization which has spread out to all parts of the country of Indonesia. This is due to the obvious purpose of the HW itself which is to prepare and educate children, adolescents, and young adults to have strong faith (aqidah) mentally and physically, as well as clever and skillful, and to have good attitude (akhlaqul karimah) for the sake of the realization of the true muslim who is ready to be Muhammadiyah, society and nation cadre. This statement was announced by Chairman of the Scout Center of Hizbul Wathan ,Uun Aaron H. Shamsuddin, in Jaya Melati 2 Training Course at the Centre for Education, Training and Development of Higher Education of Sleman, Yogyakarta.
The event, which was begun on Wednesday night (18/6), was followed by dozens of participants from various provinces in the country. The training was also additionally attended by representatives from all school teachers of Islamic Muhammadiyah from Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi. The event was guided directly by national coach Hizbul Wathan Corps for 6 days until it was closed on Wednesday (25/6).
The implementation of this training aimed to equip the trainers to know and understand comprehensively about Hizbul Wathan Scout Movement. Besides, it also expected the participants to have ability to activate the Hizbul Wathan in all Muhammadiyah schools.
The HW province board chairman of Banjarnegara, Teguh Puji Raharjo, said that through this training, it is expected that participants are able to re-activate HW activities and able to be a coach in accordance to the Hizbul Wathan statute of each Qabilah. (Dhar)
Tags: Courses, Training, Jaya Melati, Hizbul Wathan, Muhammadiyah, School