Bantul – In the era of globalization, Muhammadiyah needed to develop new pattern of communication in da’wah, because recently virtual communication pattern became dominant in global world. Therefore, Muhammadiyah were able to optimally reach the communities, who were not able to meet face to face.
It was as stated by the Chairman of Literature and Information Coucil of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Muchlas MT in the presentation of Pengajian Ramadhan Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah in Gedung AR Fakruddin B, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY), Thursday (6/3). According to Muchlas, if they could optimally utilize globalization, it would be the main inspiration in Muhammadiyah teaching spreading. “Globalization can become the source of inspiration if we are able to use and utilize it optimally. However, globalization can also be an obstacle if the response is a bit slow,” he stated.
In the same opportunity, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Dadang Kahmad also explained that Muhammadiyah needed to make strategic role in the recent telecommunication era. “In today context, people focused on the cyber world development for da’wah. Because the number of internet-users in Indonesia is pretty high, the opportunity for da’wah became wider and this is a challenge for Muhammadiyah to get involved in,” he said. Furthermore, Dadang added that Muhammadiyah had started the strategy by owning several media, which could be accessed by public such as Muhammadiyah TV, Muhammadiyah Radio, Muhammadiyah android apps, and social media. (mac)