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Home/ News/ Minister of Religious Affairs: Muhammadiyah Had Contributed a Lot for Indonesia

Minister of Religious Affairs: Muhammadiyah Had Contributed a Lot for Indonesia

Bantul – The new Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin stated that Muhammadiyah had contributed a lot for Indonesia, especially many public figures from Muhammadiyah who had participated in many events in Indonesia since before the liberation until today.

“With its many schools, Muhammadiyah had contributed in educating Indonesian people, and this was really valuable by the institution established by Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan,” he said in front of hundreds of people who attended Pengajian Ramadhan of Central Executive of Muhammadiyah held in Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Bantul, on Thursday (6/3). On the other said, the politician of Partai Persatuan Pembangunan also hoped that Muhammadiyah will always be producing religious cadres who will be able to give enlightenment to all people in Indonesia. Before globalization reached Indonesia, parents and teachers had the biggest role for a figure of wisdom and role model. All the teachings and values for children and teenagers came from parents and teachers. However, as globalization and information freely influenced young generations, the figure role decreased. “Now, values as the result of globalization freely penetrate our children’s private area, without any filter from either parents or teachers. And no one is able to explain the information they acquired from the globalization. Because the information received are rapid and easily accessible. On the other hand, surveillance from parents and teachers are still lacking,” he explained.

In the lecture themed Dakwah Pencerahan Menuju Indonesia Berkemajuan and was attended by the representative of Muhammadiyah in Indonesia, Lukman affirmed that the religious cadres became urgent matter which should be done, because the challenges faced by the nation and the religious teachers in the future will be tougher. This also helped the emergence of figure of wisdom and role model. “Religious cadres became an urgent matter in the future, because we will face tougher challenge. Besides we are now facing the critical condition of role model figure, globalization also brought two extreme sides, which could threaten diversity in Indonesia. Because it consists of two sides, in which one side tried to mislead the other side, which is liberal without limitation,” he said. (bhp umy) (mac)

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