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Condition of Ramadhan Activities of Muhammadiyah Youths in Badung

Nusa Dua – This year 1435 H Ramadhan was filled with various activities or amaliah Ramadhan. Muhammadiyah Youths in Badung also did the same thing, some days ago, they held an event of Baitul Arqam, was continued by Iftar with dozens of orphans in Sunday (7/20), and was held in the secretariat of Muhammadiyah Regional Executive of Kuta Selatan, Kabupaten Badung.

The General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Provincial Executive of Bali, Subro Mulissyi, S. Pt also attended some committee of Muhammadiyah Youth of Bali, The Vice Chairman of Muhammadiyah Provincial Executive of Bali, Drs. H. Arfa’ie Sukri and other Muhammadiyah authorities, Badung Muhammadiyah Youth, The Chairman of KNPI Bali, AA. Bagus Tri Candra Arta, S.E., and other Youth Organizations. 


(Source: TVRI Bali)

The Chief of the committee of this chain of event was held by Muhammadiyah Youths Organization of Kabupaten Badung, Faris Dwi Pramusinto said that this event was for silaturrahim and a means to share, especially between Muhammadiyah cadres, and as a form of concern for dhu’afa (the poor) and orphans as stated in Al Ma’un. “This event is aimed as a means of silaturrahim between Muhammadiyah Public Figures with the youths, and more importantly for Muhammadiyah Youth Cadres of Kabupaten Badung,” he said.

The Iftar of all Muhammadiyah members in PCM Kuta Selatan was started by menyama beraya with all inter-religion youth figures, especially those who are Hindus under the umbrella of KNPI Kabupaten Badung. The Chairman of Muhammadiyah Regional Executive of Kabupaten Badung, Drs. H. Tukiran and The Chairman of PCM Kuta Selatan H. Bambang Subrata really appreciated iftar activities this year.

“One of glories and fadhilah of Ramadhan month is that this holy month is full of blessings. This was proved by the doubling of reward of every service that we do, including giving money for people who do fasting,” he stated.

Therefore, he added, every Moslems are obliged to cherish Ramadhan by optimizing all kinds of praying, whether it is compulsory by Allah SWT and sunnah by Rasulullah SAW. (dzar)

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