Pandeglang – Silaturrahim Keluarga Besar, Aktivis dan Alumni Perguruan Muhammadiyah Kubangkondang was held on Thursday in Gedung Dakwah Muhammadiyah Kubangkondang (GDMK), Cisata, Pandeglang, Banten.
This event was held in an unfinished building. Besides for silaturrahim of the alumni of Muhammadiyah Kubangkondang, who were mostly in their hometown on the day offs for Idul Fitri, the event, planned by Ridho Iskandar, the General Secretary of Muhammadiyah District Executive of Kubangkondang, was also for building alumni bond of Perguruan Muhammadiyah Kubangkondang.
In the event, Wawan Mulyawan Muhtadi officially became the Chairman of Ketua Ikatan Alumni Perguruan Muhammadiyah Kubangkondang. He was an alumnus from MTs Muhammadiyah Kubangkondang year 90, who were also former member of DPRD Kabupaten Pandeglang.
In his opening speech, Wawan conveyed that it was a must that the alumni of Perguruan Muhammadiyah Kubangkondang expressed their gratitude towards the alma mater who had raised them by participating in the improvement of AUM in Kubangkondang.
Meanwhile, out of the agenda planned by the newly-formed alumni bond, the General Chairman of PCM Kubangkondang, Mahtum hoped that the construction of GDMK, which faced some disruptions, could be accelerated by the forming of alumni bond, so that by the end of PCM Kubangkondang that would end on 2015, GDMK had finished the construction. They also held spontaneous infaq and the money collected would be used to continue the construction of GDMK. They successfully collected Rp 18.497.700. For the citizens and members of Muhammadiyah who wanted to participate in the construction could contact Wawan Mulyawan Muhtadi on 0817-019-7474, and they could send the fund through Rekening Panitia Pembangunan Gedung Dakwah, Bank Mandiri Syari’ah No. 7036262979, PCM KUBANGKONDANG. (Sonhu Sun)(mac)