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Joining the Internasional Program , China students arrive at UAD

Yogyakarta-Thursday (08/25/2011), 19 students of National University of Guang Xi (China) arrived at campus I University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta, Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Yogyakarta. Their presence was in the context to prepare for the lectures during the next two years on the UAD. This activity was an annual program which was conducted by the Office of International Affairs (KUI) UAD.

"They will study for two years here. Previously they had followed lectures on the campus of National University of Guang Xi, China. This is UAD international program. And thank God, it has been running for the second time. Hopefully this program can be run continuously. Hopefully UAD can spread its wings again in the international arena by bringing foreign students from other countries." said Tri Amalia Lestari, M. Pd, BI, KUI secretary as well as member of the international students supervision.

He added, in addition to new students (Maba) from China, there were few other foreign students who would arrive in September, such as from France, Scotland, Egypt, and Thailand. Students who had already been here were now student of the Faculty of Economics.

"We are very pleased to have the opportunity to study in Indonesia. We will study for two years at the University of Ahmad Dahlan. Though initially a bit tricky to adapt, we believe we can." said Li Liang, a Chinese class charlady who had already got the Indonesian name, Juliana.

(trans by hm-uhamka)


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