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Post-Presidential Election Muhammadiyah Encourage People to Unite

Banyumas – The members of Muhammadiyah on 2014 Presidential Election should be able to decide that now is the right time to encourage unity spirit. “Muhammadiyah as the oldest social organization in Indonesia still exists and improves because the members stick together,” said the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Dahlan Rais on Acara Silaturrahmi warga Muhammadiyah of Ajibarang, Banyumas, on last Sunday (8/10).

Dahlan Rais added that we should be thankful for that. However, we should remember that Muhammadiyah as religious and social organization did not focus on Prabowo’s Salam 1-Jari or Jokowi’s Salam 2-Jari. Muhammadiyah only knows Salam 10 Jari, which is praying with 10 fingers holding towards God. Therefore, Muhammadiyah members who previously chose Prabowo or Jokowi, now is the right time to unite with Salam 10 Jari.

He thought, Muhammadiyah’s renowned strength was on the unity spirit, which was shown by the members towards the society. “We should be thankful for the potency, because it remained strong,” he said.

On the election, Muhammadiyah could still give an example towards other organization. This could be proven when the Muktamar was held, for example, to choose the General Chairman, the prospective candidates who were elected through consensus, did not fight for the highest chair of the organization. Even, out of the candidates, some of them rejected the position as the General Chairman.

“Whenever Muktamar is held, no billboards with the candidate’s picture asking for blessing or campaigning to choose him. Such situation should be maintained properly, because it is a good example in an election,” Dahlan Rais, who is also the Chairman of BPH Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, said. (dzar)

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