Makassar – Muhammadiyah’s greatness, which until today has reached more than a century, was determined by the role of Muhammadiyah scholars, who were always istiqomah (trying their hardest) to keep Muhammadiyah from straying away from way of Islamic lecture and empowerment of people.
It was as stated by the Secretary of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Marpuji Ali in a gathering with forty-five students of PendidikanUlamaTarjih, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar and it was accepted by the Secretary of PUT Unismuh, HusniYunus, in Iqra building of Unismuh campus, Jl. Sultan Alaudiin 259 Makassar, on Wednesday (8/13). Marpuji explained that the cadreship of Islamic figures in South Sulawesi was successful, because since its establishment, they never ran out of scholars. Therefore, it was proven that South Sulawesi Muhammadiyah has its own unique characteristic in Islamic teaching, which was identical to the motivation of great scholars such as KH. DjamaludinAmien.
Furthermore, HusniYunus said that right now PendidikanUlamaTarjihUnismuh just entered its third year and Insya Allah there will be nine young scholars who had mastered kitabgundul on 2015. Husni hoped that these young scholars had the ability as intelligent scholars and scholars who were intellectual. “Right now, we still educate 45 students, and some of them have memorized Al Quran 30 juz and we hope that all students of PUT are able to do it,” he explained. (hy) (mac)