Sleman - STIKES ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta held another SUMMER PROGRAM 2014. This year is the third year of similar events with 10 students from National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences (NTUNHS) Taiwan. The Summer Program would be held for ten days (8/14-23).
The Coordinator of International Relationship and Public Relation, Indriani, explained that the participants of the Summer Program from NTUNHS will join the STIKES students in a lecture on health system in Indonesia, culture, the basic of Bahasa Indonesia, and the history of herbs (jamu) and making batik before they start their program in the field. This program aimed to give the correct knowledge about Indonesia, especially Yogyakarta and due to the organizing of basic health in Yogyakarta. The students of NTUNHS would directly take part in community health and directly observe the practice of community learning on the health of mother and children, and do a study visit to some Muhammadiyah hospitals.
Furthermore, Indri explained that the existence of Nursing Summer Camps helped improving the perspective of STIKES ‘Aisyiyah and the forming of cooperation to be more global, wider, more plural in terms of language and the culture of mindset. By joining this program, it would deepen the knowledge in nursing, theoretically and practically, which might not be available in Taiwan. And the students of NTUNHS were hoped to get new experience or even different that could be shared among the nursing students in Taiwan.
In the Summer Camps, the students of NTUNHS followed the lectures for three days and did a practicum in Puskesmas Piyungan and visited RS PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul.
Lecturers and Students Exchanged Knowledge in Japan
Three students and three lecturers of STIKES 'Aisyiyah Yogyakarta participated in International Summer School di Tokushima University of Japan. They stayed in Japan for about ten days (8/1-10).
The event, which was attended by 32 guests from Indonesia, Mongolia, China, Korea, France, India, and US, organized some activities such as Laboratory Tour, Japanese Lectures, Japanese Culture Experience, Summer Program Social Event and Tokushima Culture Experience.
Through this event, it was hoped that the representatives who went to Japan were able to form networking with the other participants from other countries. Therefore, they could exchange the insight, experience from other countries, both in culture and health. Furthermore, when they returned to STIKES 'Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, they would be able to give positive encouragement for their friends and colleagues. (dzar)