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Home/ News/ The Chairman of Muhammadiyah Supported the Branch Opening of Tapak Suci in Gaza Palestine

The Chairman of Muhammadiyah Supported the Branch Opening of Tapak Suci in Gaza Palestine

Surakarta - Chairman of Muhammadiyah, Din Syamsuddin said that the Muhammadiyah martial art of Tapak Suci that have many branches in the country and even abroad, needed to open a branch in Gaza, Palestine.


This Din Syamsuddin request to have branch of Tapak Suci as the special martial art of Muhammadiyah in Gaza Palestine was delivered during the opening of the Adult National Championship of Tapak Suci of Muhammadiyah XVI at Manahan Solo Stadium, Thursday (21/8).


Din on the occasion invited Championship participants to uphold sportsmanship. This means that athletes must be ready to lose and ready to win because the spirit of being ready to lose and win was very hard to find lately in this country. "There are a lot of people that they are being able to say ready to lose and win but cannot accept the outcome of the game sincerely," said Chairman of Muhammadiyah.


The tournament for this time, according to the Committee Chairman, Roni Saifullah, was followed by 300 fighters of Tapak Suci from 18 provinces in Indonesia, plus two neighbor countries, Egypt and Singapore.


Roni claimed that the Tapak Suci National Tournament for this time was carried out again after being stopped for 10 year. The previous competition was held in 2004 and after that year, the tournament was not held. The vacuum situation happened because the leadership of Tapak Suci put more concentration on the activity of IPSI (Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia). (Dhar)


Tags: National Championship, Martial Arts, Tapak Suci, Adult, Muhammadiyah, Surakarta

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