Surakarta – In order to revive GerakanKepanduanHizbulWathan(HW), all universities and higher education of Muhammadiyah, because this movement had proven of producing important national figures who actively participated in the founding of Indonesia.
“As the General Chairman of Muhammadiyah, I order all authorities of universities and higher education of Muhammadiyah to revive GerakanKepanduanHizbulWathan,” as stated by Din Syamsudin in National Jamboree of PanduHizbulWathanPerguruanTinggiMuhammadiyah (PTM) in Solo on Thursday (8/21).
He asked PanduPenuntun to become the pioneer who would stay in the front line to revive the movement of GerakanKepanduanHizbulWathan. “My brothers, be the pioneers, be the persons in the front line in each of your alma mater,” he said.
Din also asked the students and universities to take the initiative and real activity to revive and enrich GerakanKepanduanHizbulWathanin their own alma mater.
“I regret that since I was in elementary school, in junior high school, and in PondokPesantren, I could not join GerakanKepanduanHizbulWathan. But I joined the Scouts. If I was reincarnated, I will surely actively participate in GerakanKepanduanHizbulWathan,” he said.
The General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive expressed his admiration towards GerakanKepanduanHizbulWathan that until today remained exist in the Nation. The oldest movement, which was established in 1918, had the aspirations and strong commitment on nationality. (dzar)