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Home/ News/ Realizing Islamic Campus, Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta (UMJ) Held Workshop of AIK Curriculum

Realizing Islamic Campus, Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta (UMJ) Held Workshop of AIK Curriculum

Muhammadiyah organization strived to realize its identity as an Islamic campus by holding a workshop of al-Islam Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK) curriculum which was followed by 60 participants consisting of AIK lecturers and academic faculty leaders in the auditorium of BNI-UMJ Mayatara Building on 3rd floor on Thursday (21/8).


The workshop was opened by the Rector of UMJ, Chusnan Masyitoh, and the speaker of this workshop was the chair of the Higher Education Assembly of the Central Broad of Muhammadiyah, Chairil Anwar who was invited to be able to provide information and dissemination related to the handbook of Al Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan subject to the lecturers who teach in Muhammadiyah universities.


A.Kahar Maranjaya, Vice-rector I, explained that the event was attended by all important elements in Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta, with the goal was identifying the guidelines and policies of AIK Curriculum in Universities and finding solutions in order to improve the quality and the education quality for students.


In his speech, Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta Workhshop said that this workshop was expected to be able to enhance dakwah methods in Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta through AIK guidelines which had been made ​​by the Council of Higher Education of Muhammadiyah. "UMJ Campus must show the Islamic character of the campus" he explained.


He also added that the Muhammadiyah charity effort tasks in UMJ could be accomplished through AIK. This is because the charity effort was originally based on the concerns of the Muslims who were so far behind at that time. “Realizing muslims condition, KH. Ahmad Dahlan wants to raise the dignity of the Islamic people through the Muhammadiyah movement for the sake of the developing Islam. Consequently, education becomes one of the spearheads of Muhammadiyah Da'wah "he added.


In on Dissemination session of the Guidelines of Al Islam Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK) material, Chairil Anwar also explained that the Muhammadiyah Education vision should be realized in Muhammadiyah universities namely "Establishment of a faithful, noble, developed and excel muslim in science and technology as the embodiment of tajdid dakwah amar ma’ruf nahi munkar "he explained.


This is because AIK materials in PTM had a strategic position, became the driving spirit, and was the main mission of the organization of PTM. AIK was also be a PTM strength because it could be the basis of the strength of the spiritual, moral and intellectual as well as momentum for the entire academic community. Thus, AIK became the strength of Muhammadiyah universities.


AIK was the characteristic and spirit of PTM, "this fact builds public confidence in the Muhammadiyah universities” added this lecturer of Faculty of Science of UGM. (iqbal) (Dhar)


Tags: Workshops, UMJ, Islamic, Campus, Student, Muhammadiyah, Higher Education (Dikti), Muhammadiyah University (PTM)

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