Surakarta – The Developing of District and Subdistrict Council (LPCR) of Muhammadiyah of Surakarta and Health Sciences School of Surakarta (STIKES) of Muhammadiyah PKU of Surakarta held LPCR work meeting in Balai Muhammadiyah of Surakarta.
Public Relation of STIKES of Muhammadiyah PKU of Surakarta Teguh Wahyudi in the latest press released accepted by on Friday (5/9) said that the theme taken in this meeting was "Finishing the Dakwah Mapping for the Cabang and Ranting in central Java".
“This LPCR meeting is followed by 100 participants, which consists of representatives of LPCR in all Central Java and it is directly opened by Musman Thalib as the Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Provincial Board of Central Java, " he explained
According to the Chairman of LPCR of the the Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Surakarta, as well as the chairman of the committee, Khoiron, this Raker was expected to be starting point to empower dakwah spirit for managers and leaders of Muhammadiyah district and subdistrict executive.
"For LPCR empowerment, hopefully LPCR can build good cooperation with AUM. And this is already proven with the holding of this Raker because it is held by LPCR in cooperation with STIKES of Muhammadiyah PKU of Surakarta, "he said
The new mapping of dakwah in central Java could simplify the task of the Muhammadiyah Regional Executive (PDM) to draw the most appropriate program for the dakwah in the future based on the conditions in each region. Besides, it can be used to evaluate the performance of the leader of the Muhamadiyah district and subdistrict executive in Central Java. (Dharr)
Tags: Meetings, PWM, District, Sub district, Muhammadiyah, Central Java