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Extra Joss-LAZISMU, Share Energy 1 BillionQurban

Jakarta – The cooperation beteen Extra Joss-LAZISMU officially formed through the program of Kurban 1 Milyar(1 Billion Qurban). Both agreed to prioritize the spirit sacrificial (qurban) for never giving up, ready to face challenges and together benefits people in need. This synergy was the second time after they did the same program in 2011.

This was stated in Press Conference, which was held on Friday, 26 September 2014 in GedungDakwahPimpinanPusatMuhammadiyah, Menteng, Jakarta. This year Extra Joss took the theme of “JiwaLakiBeraniBerkurban” and LAZISMU through their own social message invited other Muslims to do qurban without waiting to be rich.

The Chairman of BadanPengurus LAZISMU Hajriyanto Y. Thohari said that the cooperation made LAZISMU and all of its networks all over Indonesia as a philanthropic organization (zakat, infaq, and sadaqah), which had been active for a long time, was able to benefit others.

“With its widest network, we hope people from many background will be able to feel the benefits of it.” Indeed, our country was plural, for every in-need person, they must have various backgrounds, he explained.

According to Hajriyanto Y. Thohari, all sacrificial animals Extra Joss-LAZISMU were guaranteed for their health. PT. BintangToedjoeundoubtedly paid attention to the sacrificial animals’ health as the priority in this program. The most interesting part of this program was that LAZISMU involved variety of communities of hobby and inter-profession for the butchering and the distribution, he added.

The Director President of PT BintangToedjoe, Simon Jonatansaid that this synergy was hoped of producing activity with positive result. The fact that every Extra Joss branch office and LAZISMU network had made sure the distribution points. “This Kurban 1 Milyar program focused on the distribution of the fresh meats in densely-populated area, remote area, disaster-prone area, and area with high poverty level,” he explained.

In the same opportunity, The Chief Director of LAZISMU, M. KhoirulMuttaqin said that Qurban 1 Milyar Extra Joss-LAZISMU was supported by communities. Based on the collected data, there were 50 communities of hobby and profession involved in this program in Jabodetabek. “For the efficiency of this great program, LAZISMU selected based on the requirement criteria and the creativity side,” he explained.

Loni as the GM Marketing of PT. BintangToedjoe, explained that the strength of distribution points that had been determined in the distribution of sacrificial animals was based on the map of Extra Joss branch offices and LAZISMU networks. “We are very satisfied with this, because the communication process from the beginning until now can be matched, so that everything is verified,” he explained. He hoped that they would be able to cooperate again next year, he said.

After that, the ceremony of sacrificial animals handover was held in the front field of GedungDakwah PP Muhammadiyah. A Limosin Cow with the weight of 600kg was given by Director President of PT. BintangToedjoe, Simon Jonatan to the Chairman of BadanPengurus LAZISMU, Hajriyanto Y. Thohari.

The ceremony was held as the sign that Qurban 1 Milyar, which involved 40 branch offices of PT. BintangToedjoeand 115 networks of LAZISMU around Indonesia would be held in IdulAdha 1435 H. There were 40 sacrificial cowsthat would be distributed to all area in Indonesia.

The Coordinator of National Qurban of LAZISMU (KurbanNasional LAZISMU), TatangRuchiyat said that each network was ready to distribute them to the communities in their own area. It was hoped that this program would be able to reach remote areas, he said. (LAZISMU/MC)            

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