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Mu’allimaat Students Had to Be Future National Cadres

Yogyakarta – The intelligence development and the improvement of the students of Madrasah Mu’allimaatMuhammadiyah Yogyakarta had to be optimized. This is because an intelligent student would be able to absorb the knowledge so that they would be ready to continue their study, be ready to interact in the social world, and be ready to face the challenges in the world.

Such was said by the wife of Yogyakarta’s mayor, Hj Tri KiranaMuslidatun, SPsi—who was commonly called by bu Anna Haryadi—in front of the students of Madrasah MadrasahMu’allimaatMuhammadiyah Yogyakarta grade XII before opening Career Day event in the hall on Thursday (10/30). The event was attended by 17 private and public universities in DIY/Jawa Tengah.

As accompanied by the Director of Mu’allimaat, AgustiyaniErnawati, SPd and Lurah (village chief) Notoprajan, Dra Erna NurSetyaningsih, the wife of Yogyakarta mayor and also the Supervisor of PKK Kota Yogyakarta encouraged the students of Mu’allimaatMuhammadiyah to make an effort in studying. “Everyone should be intelligent students who will be able to raise our country from the current messy situation,” Anna Haryadi concludes.

In the same opportunity, Director of Mu’allimaatMuhammadiyah Yogyakarta encouraged her students to keep pursuing higher education and be the best of the best. “I expect a lot from the students of Mu’allimaat to realize the knowledge they acquire,” said AgustyaniErnawati while adding the point that the graduates of Mu’allimaatas the cadre of institution in the future should be able to be the backbone of Aisyiyah on its branch until the center level.

Madrasah MuallimatMuhammadiyah—which now had 1,030 students and 80 teachers—was trusted as a cadre school that could produce quality future leaders for Indonesia. Madrasah Mu’allimaatMuhammadiyah Yogyakarta is a women education institution with a mission to produce a leader, teacher, as the cadre for Muhammadiyah and ‘Aisyiyah. The graduates were expected of having six main competences: basic knowledge competence, foreign language, moral and manner, teacher training, entrepreneurship, organization, and movement.

To realize this hope, almost all alumni of Madrasah AliyahMu’allimaatMuhammadiyah Yogyakarta continued their study to higher education level, either in public or private universities. Thus, in order to realize this dream, the role of Counseling (BimbinganKonseling) to have affiliation with public and private universities such as UMY, SekolahTinggiTeknologiNuklir “BATAN”, UGM, STIKES “Surya Global”, PrasetiyaMulya School of Business & Economics, STIE YKPN Yogyakarta, PoliteknikKesehatanNegeri Yogyakarta, UII, UNY, UAD, D-III FE UII, UniversitasSarjanaWiyataTamansiswa, InstitutSainsdanTeknologi “AKPRIND” Yogyakarta, UniversitasMuhammadiyahPurwokerto, Telkom University Bandung, SekolahTinggiEkonomi Islam, PendidikanUlamaTarjihMuhammadiyah Yogyakarta, UniversitasMuhammadiyahMagelang, UIN SunanKalijaga Yogyakarta, STIKES Aisyiyah Yogyakarta danUniversitas Al AzharKairo.(ASA) (mac)

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