Jakarta- The Regional Board Conference (Konpiwil) Pre 19th Conference of Muhammadiyah Student Association had just opened by the Chairman of Muhammadiyah, Goodwill Zuber, in the Hall of Ahmad Dahlan, Campus UHAMKA Pasar Rebo on Sunday (16/11).
Konpiwil is the second highest after the congress deliberation, Konpiwil Pre-Conference was held to discuss konpiwil Rules, Rules Congress, and to submit the names of candidates for the formation of the 19th Muhammadiyah Student Association Congress.
The Conference Central Committee, Eko Andriyanto said participants of this Konpiwil were only from IPM regional leaders, from 34 provincial board of IPM across Indonesia. Meanwhile 435 regional board (PD) of IPM across Indonesia followed the seminar agenda that had been scheduled by Central Committee, "The number of participants present at this time are 800 participants, which has been registered to the committee" he added.
General Chairman of IPM, Fida Afif in his speech, said at this Konpiwil of IPM that he was very pleased because IPM had retained the title of the best Indoneisan OKP in 2013 and the ASEAN National Best Tayo Congress 2014. Therefore this incredible happiness brought high spirit for IPM cadres across Indonesia.
Hundreds of congress participants who had filled the hall Ahmad Dahlan was briefed by the Chairman of Muhammadiyah, Goodwill Zuber. He expressed happiness to the cadres of IPM across Indonesia. "I'm very proud of the presence of cadres at the Opening of the Konpiwil of IPM and to my IPM, congratulate you on this achievement".
IPM Conference will be opened tomorrow on Monday (17/11) by the Chairman of Muhammadiyah, Din Syamsuddin, in Ciracas Sport Center. it is Estimated that thousands of junior and high school students of Muhammadiyah in Jakarta will meet in Ciracas Sport Center. (Dhar)
Tags: congress, ipm, UHAMKA, konpiwil, muhammadiyah