Jakarta – As more problems faced by the country, the cadre education in Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah (IPM) played as the spearhead of Muhammadiyah cadreship, which undoubtedly should be put as the main priority, because the leader of Muhammadiyah and the future leader should be from IPM cadres. It was as stated by Anies Baswedan as the Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia in the 19th Muktamar of Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah, which was held in GOR Ciracas, Jalan Raya Bogor KM 25-26, East Jakarta, today (11/17).
Anies Baswedan also added that IPM should be future-oriented organization. IPM had to be ready of preparing the best cadre for the country. The rector of Universitas Paramadina also expressed his pride and congratulation for IPM, which successfully held the Muktamar, “I hope the Muktamar of IPM go well and smoothly and will be able to elect the best and meaningful leadership for our country,” concluded the man who grew up in Yogyakarta.
Besides the Minister of Education and Culture, Imam Nahrawi as the Minister of Youth and Sports Affairs, Din Syamsudin as the General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, and the IPM alumni of the 60s to 2000s also attended the event. The Chief Committee of Muktamar, Ipmawan Mustiawan stated in his opening speech that there were 800 people from all over Indonesia attending that day event. The 19th Muktamar IPM would be held from November 17 to November 19. (dzar)