Jakarta - Conference (Muktamar) of Muhammadiyah Student Association (Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah -- PM) was held at Campus UHAMKA Pasar Rebo, was opened by the Minister of Education and Culture, Anies Baswedan, Monday (17/11) in GOR Ciracas. The conference was also attended by the Minister of Youth and Sports Affairs, Imam Nahrawi, and the alumni of Muhammadiyah Student Association who are members of the Alumni Kornas IPM
Chairman ofMuhammadiyah, Din Shamsuddin, who attended the opening ceremony, said his pride to the Muhammadiyah Student Association. Din is proud not only of the national but also international achievements. Din also enumerates the achievements of cadresof Muhammadiyah Student Associationthroughout the Muhammadiyah schools.
Din agreed with the theme of IPM in the Conference, Scientific Spirit for advancing students. It was, sayid Din, very relevant and appropriate to the challenges of today's Muhammadiyah. Muslims can win the world civilization only with Science. "Advancing or progressing is the nature of Islam, Islam is a religion of progress, DINUL hadlarah, then Muslims should go forward and what we struggle is progressing Islam," he said.
"Be my children, my brothers and sisters into truly cadres of Muhammadiyah. Muhammadiyah now and future need cadres to guards Muhammadiyah. Do not let others meddle with Muhammadiyah, moral cadres," he said in front of thousands of cadres of IPM Indonesia.
"IPM is the first organization that welcomes the message of Progressing Islam and Progressing Indonesia" he said. Din also assessed that this time Congress was to become Advancing Student.
In his speech, the two-period Chairman of Muhammadiyah, recommends IPM to explore three message. First, morals characterize the character Muhammadiyah students; anti-drug, anti-riot. Second, insights science; seize knowledge as high as the sky. Tthird, full of creativity, innovation and skilled, as in Tajdid Movement of Muhammadiyah
Conference (Muktamar) of Muhammadiyah Student Association was held in the Campus Uhamka Pasar Rebo, from the November 16th to 20th, 2014. In that occasion, they also held Formation Election. Nurcholis Huda was elected as the Chief (PW IPM Lampung) and Mustiawan as the General Secretary, (PP IPM East Java).