"Merdeka! Merdeka! Hidup mahasiswa. Hidup mahasiswa. Hidup mahasiswa UAD."
"Freedom! Freedom. Long live students. Long live UAD students."
Yogyakarta- That was the first yell shouted by the Rector of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD), Drs. Kasiyarno, M.Hum. when delivering the opening speech before some 3,000 new students from Indonesia and 23 out of 72 new international students who are going to study at UAD.
"Welcome to UAD. Be sure that you are not mistaken in choosing UAD as a place to get knowledge. Because what? Because in UAD, besides getting knowledge suitable to your respective interest, you will be equipped with intellectually and morally educational values. The aim is to ppepare you to be ready to face tight job competition later. So, congratulations for all of you," said the rector a few seconds before hitting the gong.
Program Pengenalan Kampus or Orientation Program (P2K) that is planned to last for 4 days (starting from Sept 12 - 16, 2011) was finally opened officially by 5 rings of gong at Sport Hall (GOR) Amongrogo Yogyakarta on Jl. Cendana, Sokonandi, Yogyakarta, (Monday September 12,2011) . The event having the theme "Dengan Semangat Kebangsaan Kita Ciptakan Generasi Mahasiswa yang Penuh Nilai " or "With the Spirit of Nationalism, We Create Student Generation Full of Values" tries to stress on students' thinking concept in educational process. Educationg is not only teaching.
"I am very pleased to be present and become a part of the campus that is full of achivement. I know the information of UAD from alumni who have had achievement. I read in mass media that its achievement already reaches national even international level. Therefore, I try to find out by reading in electronic and online media in detail. Alhamdulillah (Thank God) finally I decided to choose the campus as a place to study," said Putri, a new student coming from Sumatra island taking pharmacy.
(trans by hamzah - uhamka)