C-Tech Labs and Muhammadiyah Central Executive Makes Cooperation to Develop Applications of 4D Brain ECVT
Jakarta- Cooperation to develop 4D Brain ECVT application that has been claimed to be the fastest brain activity scanner in the world was being conducted by the Central executive of Muhammadiyah and C-Tech Labs Edwar Technology. The signing of a understanding memorandum was held in the Hall of the Faculty of Medicine and Health of University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Wednesday (26/11), followed by a series of seminars in the early detection of the central nervous system illness and the application of 4D Brain ECVT technology. The development of the applications of brain activity imaging instrument will be conducted in Muhammadiyah Charity Network throughout Indonesia.
As the development ofneuroscience, so did the need for a method that was able to observe changes in the activity of the central nervous system function non-invasively. The problem was that the changes in the activity that went through in milliseconds could not be detected at high speed through brain imaging instrument that was commonly used today such as positron emission tomography (PET) and functional MRI (fMRI). Until now, high-speed recording with the activity of the central nervous system function could be performed by electroencephalography (EEG). However, this instrument had a disadvantage in terms of spatial resolution; mainly it could not detect the main part of the brain non-invasively.
To overcome these problems, CTECH Labs Edwar Technology developed brain imaging instrument called 4D Brain electrical capacitance volume tomography (ECVT). "4D Brain ECVT is able to detect the dielectric properties within an object, so the abnormal anatomical structure can be detected and activity of the central nervous system function is able to be observed non-invasively with high speed," said Dr. Warsito Purwo Taruno, M. Eng, CEO of C-Tech Group and inventor of this technology. In addition, 4D Brain ECVT is easy to carry, safe, and low cost. The recording could be done simply without the need for a special place, so that it can be done in various places such as polyclinics. This tool was claimed to be the fastest brain scanner in the world, 1/2000 sec.
The efforts to diagnose the presence of the structure of the central nervous system that were abnormal became much easier since the invention of computed tomography scan (CT-Scan) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, this method had various problems such as non-portable, requiring a special place, and high cost. The 4D Brain ECVT, through brain imaging performed non-invasively, was able to see the anatomical structure and functional activity of the central nervous system anywhere, cheaper, and no side effects.
Upaya mendiagnosis adanya struktur sistem saraf pusat yang bersifat abnormal menjadi lebih mudah sejak ditemukannya computed tomography scan (CT-Scan) dan magnetic resonace imaging (MRI). Akan tetapi, metode ini memiliki berbagai kendala seperti tidak bersifat mudah dibawa, membutuhkan tempat khusus, dan berbiaya tinggi. Berbeda dengan 4D Brain ECVT, melalui pencitraan otak yang dilakukan secara non-invasif, alat ini mampu melihat struktur anatomi dan aktifitas fungsional sistem saraf pusat di manapun, murah, dan tak memiliki efek samping. (dzar)
Tags: PKU, neuroscience, Muhammadiyah, health, charitable efforts, hospitals