Magelang – Lack of health facility in the eastern part of Indonesia encouraged some staffs in Muhammadiyah Central Executive Board to do something. They would soon realize the idea of establishing floating clinic for the society in Sikka, Nusa Tenggara Timor (NTT).
The General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Din Syamsudin, explained that the idea of establishing floating clinic was derived from the idea by H Rosyid, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Regional Executive of Sikka, Nusa Tenggara Timor.
The idea emerged due to the fact that six main islands in NTT lacked of health facilities. He thought, the idea of establishing floating clinic would be the first in Indonesia.
“This is a brilliant idea, we (Muhammadiyah) responded positively on this idea. This floating clinic, periodically will visit the people who live in the islands to provide health service,” he explained, after opening RakernasLembagaPenanggulanganBencana (LPB) of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, which was held in the auditorium of Muhammadiyah University of Magelang on Saturday (11/29).
Din even hoped that the floating clinic would need to be quickly realized before August 2015 or before MuktamarMuhammadiyah was held. This was done so that people in the eight big islands in Sikka would be provided with good health service. (dzar)