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Home/ News/ University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Helps the Muhammadiyah School in Bantul to Get Qualified Generation

University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Helps the Muhammadiyah School in Bantul to Get Qualified Generation

Bantul– University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY)  provided assistance in the form of renovation of the Muhammadiyah schools in Kasihan, Bantul. Related to this assistance, Sri Suryawidati, the Regent of Bantul gave appreciation and full support to University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta that helped renovations of schools in Bantul.

"The education sector is the most important sector because education is a place where we can get qualified generations. However, the education sector should also be supported with good facilities. Therefore I support University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in the improvement of the schools in Bantul, "he said while inaugurating the renovation of Elementary School of Muhammadiyah Insan Kreatif and Kindergarten 'Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Kembaran, Monday (01/12/2014).

BambangCipto, the Rector of University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, conveyed that this renovation effort not only to get to the next qualified generation but also to keep and maintain the faith in Bantul and integrated campus in UMY. In addition, the shape of this concern could be used as a tool of da’wah in Muhammadiyah field of education.

Meanwhile, Syaebani, the representatives of Regional Executive of Muhammadiyah Bantul stated that the policy in UMY of the Muhammadiyah Bantul Schools was also a form of public confidence to Muhammadiyah, in doing da’wah and providing perpetual charity (amal jariyah) in the field of education.

"I hope this effort can continue to grow and can be a way to resolve problems of education in Indonesia toform an education with the next qualified generation, "he explained. (dzar)

“Saya berharap upaya ini bisa terus berkembang dan bisa menjadi jalan untuk penyelesaian masalah pendidikan yang ada di Indonesia. Agar terbentuk pendidikan dengan melahirkan generasi penerus bangsa yang berkualitas,” paparnya. (dzar)


Tags: renovation, school, Muhammadiyah, Bantul, UMY, Muhammadiyah Elementary School

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