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Home/ News/ PPPI – UMY Succeeded Holding Peace Concert for Palestine

PPPI – UMY Succeeded Holding Peace Concert for Palestine

Yogyakarta Prakarsa Persahabatan Indonesia Palestina (PPIP) and Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UniversitasMuhammadiyah/UMY) succeeded in holding a peace and charity concert for Palestine. This was indicated by the students’ and public’s interest who attended the concert on Tuesday night (12/2) inSportorium UMY.

Besides inviting orchestra team and local singer such as Sunshine Voice, UMY choir team, and SerambiBagelen, the concert also invited Jerusalem orchestra group, Arabic Ensemble, which consisted of 12 persons; they were Shamira as the vocalist, ‘AlaIshaq, Mohammad Jamal Rjoub, Hanin Jamal Rjoub, Rahaf Y. Madieh, Basil Fatihah, George Ghattas, EleniMustaklem, Hebah, Husein, danYaqobas the musicians and Mohammad as the group manager.

Palestine Ambassador for Indonesia, FarizMehdawi, who also attended the concert, also welcomed the event held by UMY. He expressed his gratitude for Indonesians, especially Yogyakarta people who had welcomed the orchestra group from Palestine. “I feel grateful towards Indonesians, especially Yogyakarta people who welcomed us happily. Considering close mutual relationship between Indonesia and Palestine, there will always be a humanity action for Palestine in Indonesia. And we are thankful for every humanity aid given by Indonesians for us,” he said.

Fariz also complimented Yogyakarta as a tranquil city, because obviously the condition in Yogyakarta was totally different to his country, Palestine. Therefore, he hoped Indonesians would visit Palestine. “We want Indonesians visit Palestine more often, to Jerusalem as the holy city of three religions. So that Indonesians know the real condition in Palestine, and support the realization of peace there,” he added.

Meanwhile, the General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Din Syamsuddin stated in the video of his opening speech on the night of peace concert that the concert that was previously held in Jakarta on Sunday (11/30) was a form of solidarity towards Palestinians, because until today Palestinians had to fight for their independence from Israel. “I also hope that this concert will be able to raise the awareness for Palestinians, who are until today still struggling for their independence,” he stated.

RatihHerningtyas, S.IP., M.A. as the standing committee also said the same thing. She thought, the peace concert was a proof that UMY actively participated in realizing peace, through musical concert. “This is a proof that we actively participate in screaming for peace, and it was done through musical concert for Palestine independence. Furthermore, Palestine is a region that was still in conflict. This is also the realization of Indonesian Constitution in creating peace and against colonialism,” she concluded. (BHP UMY)

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