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Home/ News/ Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak Led Central Executive of Muhammadiyah Youth Period 2014 – 2018

Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak Led Central Executive of Muhammadiyah Youth Period 2014 – 2018

Jakarta -- Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak officially inaugurated Central Executive management of Youth Muhammadiyah period 2014 - 2018 at Aryaduta, Jakarta, Tuesday (23/12). Dahnil was elected as the Chairman of Central Executive of Muhammadiyah Youth in direct elections in the Youth Congress in Padang, West Sumatra, 20-22 November 2014.

In the inauguration of Muhammadiyah Youth, the entire management performed pledges to fight corruption witnessed by Ade Irawan, the Coordinator of the ICS (Indonesian Corruption Watch), Zulkifli Hassan, the Chairman of People’s Consultative Assembly of Republic Indonesia, Rano Karno, the Governor of Banten, and Patrialis Akbar, the Judge of the Constitutional, as well as Yunahar Ilyasm the Chief of Central Executive of Muhammadiyah. In his speech, Dahnil stated the importance of anti-corruption movement that was a part of the da’wah of Muhammadiyah to do amar ma'ruf nahi munkar. "Corruption has become a culture in this country. Because of that, we will make war to them as a manifesto of youth political movement”, he explained. Furthermore, he argues, corrupt practices would obviously be very detrimental to the lowest strata of society, because it will have an impact on policy not to target. For that, the youth would continue to control the movement of Muhamamdiyah congregation against corruption and government policies that was pro-poor.


Social media Campaign

Following up to the anti-corruption pledge inauguration, through its twitter account (@pppemudamuh) and its facebook, Central Executive of Muhammadiyah Youth began campaigning movement against corruption in all followers by stating hastag #GerakanBerjamaahLawanKorupsi. Multiple twitter accounts including that of the Chief of Central Executive of Muhammadiyah Youth, @dahnilanzar,invited the sociel media community to join in the anti-corruption campaign by puttinga picture of ourselves and stating holds several anti-corruption messages. (mac)


Tags: muhammadiyah, youth, anti corruption

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