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General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Visit Two Boarding School in Garut

-Garut – General Chairmanof Muhammadiyah, Prof. Dr Din Syamsuddin, visited two boarding schools in Garut, West Javaon Sunday (04/01/2014). In his visit, Din inaugurated a junior high school (SMP) Plus in complex Muhammadiyah Boarding School Al Furqan, before he equipped Muhammadiyah Kader in boarding school Darul Arqam.

"All students who are studying here must be ready to be a person who was capable of promoting Islamic Sciences and General Science. But we must know that in fact in Islam, there is no distinction, there is no separation between Religion and Science General Science", said Din while giving a lecture in front of about 1000 member of Muhammadiyah in Boarding School Al Furqan.

"In the past, many Muslim intellectuals in the world who were excelled and acclaimed, for example Al Jabbar, ruled the world. Now, it's time for Muhammadiyah cadres to follow the achievement", said Din followed by audience applause.

Meanwhile, in order to follow up the General Chairman of Muhammadiyah speech, Yanta Asysyatibi, the Director of Muhammadiyah Boarding School Al Furqan, explained that his school would be prepared as a churning, or place of studying by Muhammadiyah cadres in Garut.

"Insya Allah, we are ready to make the boarding school as Candradimuka Crater, in order to galvanize the students to produce the best cadre of Muhammadiyah to be acting more widely, not only in Indonesia, but also in the world," said Yanta.

Just info, from the Al-Furqan Garut, there were many Muhammadiyah cadres who were now young figures in Indonesia, including Raja Juli Antoni (Director of The Indonesian Institute / TII), Hilman Latif (Researcher, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta), Denny Wahyudi Kurniawan (Former Chairman of the Association of Muhammadiyah Student), Imam Ahmad Mujadid Rais (Former Chairman of Muhammadiyah Student Association and now completing the Education S-2 in Australia), Fauzia Ningtyas (One of the CDCC Director / Centre for Dialogue and Cooperation Among Civilisations), and others.

Meanwhile, at the Boarding School Darul Arqam Garut, Din Syamsuddin gave speech to 300 cadres of Muhammadiyah in the Ballroom of the cottage. In his lecture, Din stressed the importance of forwarding Innovation in managing the boarding school, in order to advance the education of the boarding school in Indonesia-style. DIN stressed that they should have many bright ideas to get education output in Boarding School completely qualified.

Tags: din, garut

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