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Home/ News/ Medan Mayor is Scheduled to Open Student Orientation of UM North Sumatera

Medan Mayor is Scheduled to Open Student Orientation of UM North Sumatera

Medan- Medan Mayor Drs. H. Rahudman Harahap MM will surely open Student Orientation Program (MPMB) of Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatera (UMSU) year 2011 and introduction to Muhammadiyah Student Association (Masta IMM) UMSU that will be done on Monday (19/09) at parking lot in front of main campus on Jl Kapten Mukhtar Basri No. 3 Medan starting at 10.00 WIT until finished.

That was informed by Rector Drs Agussani M.AP through PR Drs Anwar Bakti to journalists on Wednesday afternoon (14/09). Some  7,000 new students who are about to study at 9 faculties at UMSU join the program.

MPMB lasts from Sept 19 to 23, 2011, while Masta IMM lasts from Sept 23 to 26, 2011. Masta IMM is a compulsory program for new muslim students. They will be taught Basic Principles of Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah organization. Masta IMM is actually introduction to new members of IMM UMSU.

According to Anwar, two days before the event, namely Saturday (17/09) new students of UMSU will get information about requirements fulfilled to join the program.

MPMB UMSU on Sept 19 - 23 and Masta IMM on Sept 23 - 26 will be done at different location for each faculty. Faculty of Economics will take place at parking lot in front of main campus, Teacher Training and Education Faculty at the faculty's pendopo (pavilion), Engineering Faculty at parking lot behind Economic Faculty, Social and Political Science Faculty at basketball field, Agriculture Faculty at parking lot behind building D, Islamic Studies Faculty (FAI) in auditorium of Law Faculty, and Law Faculty at RUSUNAWA (student dormitory) yard.

For new students of Medical Faculty, the event will be done at Campus I UMSU on Jl Gedung Arca, Teladan-Medan.

To the people who usually go on Jl Kapten Mukhtar Basri Medan in front of Main Campus of UMSU, Anwar urges to anticipate the density of traffic at certain times, namely in the morning starting from 06.00 to 09.00 WIT and in the afternoon from 18.00 to 20.00 WIT.

This is because, according to Anwar, at the times new students taking the program will be going in and out of the campus. So, the passers-by can find alternative ways to avoid unwanted traffic jam.

(trans by hamzah - uhamka)

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