Pandeglang- The hard rains fromthe beginning of the year made the overflow of some rivers that caused flooding in some areas in the province of Banten. One was the village of Tajur, Ds. Craving, Kec. Patia, Kab. Pandeglang, Banten. Accompanied by the Chief of District Executive of Muhammadiyah Kubangkondang, the District Executive of Muhammadiyah Student Association Kubangkondang was finally delivering aid to the village on Sunday (18/1) in the form of basic food ingredients. Aris Andani as General Chief of District Executive of Muhammadiyah Student Association Kubangkondang was as the coordinator of the event said that the aid was collected from the members of Muhammadiyah in Kubangkondang.
A day earlier, on Saturday (17/1), Regional Executive of Muhammadiyah Student Association Kab. Tengerang which coordinated by Fajar Iqbal Mirza, the General Secretary, also delivered aid to the flood victims in boarding school Subusalam, Kec. Jayanti, Kab. Tangerang, Banten. (Sonhu Sun)
Sehari sebelumnya, yaitu pada Sabtu (17/1) PD IPM Kab. Tangerang yang dikoordinatori Fajar Iqbal Mirza, Sekretaris Umum PD IPM Kab. Tangerang juga telah menyalurkan bantuan pada korban banjir di pesantren Subusalam, Kec. Jayanti, Kab. Tangerang, Banten. (Sonhu Sun)
Tags: muhammadiyah, students,floods, banten