Sleman – On the fourth day of Darul Arqam and National Instructor Training, the Cadre Education Council of Muhammadiyah, presented the former Chairman of Muhammadiyah, Prof. HM Amien Rais. Amien raised the question of Muhammadiyah cadres who still did not understand about the concept of social monotheism. According to Amien Rais, indeed a person who had social tauhid, was the figure of Muslims who embodied into a creature that had a concern for social issues. National Instructor Training oh the Cadre Education Council of Muhammadiyah Centre Executive was held from Friday (23/1) until next Friday (30/1) at the House of Arts and Culture Training PPPPTK, Kaliurang, Sleman, Yogyakarta.
Amien menambahkan, Islam bukan hanya agama Tauhid yang berarti meng-Esa-kan Allah semata tetapi lebih dari itu. Di dalam ajaran Tauhid terdapat nilai-nilai sosial yang tinggi seperti keadilan, demokrasi, persamaan, dan pemerataaan.
Amienadded, Islam wasnot just a religion of Tauhid, which means clicking the Oneness of Allah alone, but it was more than that. In the doctrine of Tauhid, we could find the social values were high such as justice, democracy, and equality.
"Islam is not just a sky religion that is not grounded. Instead, Islam brings salvation in this world and hereafter. This means that social Tauhid here means that Islam is not just a religion but merely concerned with empty ritual religion interact with social problems such as poverty, oppression, tyranny, dictatorship and so forth, " he said.
Amien expected the cadres who graduated from National Instructor Training had to interact with a variety of social problems and address them. Al-Quran and al-Hadith were not only talking about worship but also discussing about commemorate social problems. Therefore, a shaleh cadre was not only enjoying ritual worship in mosques but also should come down to the community and contribute to tackling social issues. (Dhar)
Tags: Amien Rais, Kader, Muhammadiyah, Tauhid, Social, Cadre Education Council of Muhammadiyah