Thursday, 16 January 2025
Home/ News/ HaedarNashir Opened Citizen Journalism Workshop for SuaraMuhammadiyah

HaedarNashir Opened Citizen Journalism Workshop for SuaraMuhammadiyah

Yogyakarta – In such a modern era, SuaraMuhammadiyah needed to maximize the potency of the existing brotherhood in order to improve its quality. The Workshop of Citizen Journalism became a highly important matter to map the potency of journalism within the brotherhood.

This was stated by the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, HaedarNashir, when he opened the Citizen Journalism Workshop of SuaraMuhammadiyah in the office of SuaraMuhammadiyah, Jl. Cik Di Tiro no. 23, Yogyakarta on Saturday (01/31). "This workshop (Citizen Journalism) is highly important. First, we would be able to mobilize the potency of journalism within the brotherhood, which could be hidden, and it was not developed well enough in the brotherhood,” he explained.

HaedarNashir who was also the Head of Editorial Board of SuaraMuhammadiyah explained that for those who wanted to be involved in journalistic world should at least had some factors close to the professional ones. “Commitment, perseverance, eager to always learn, creativity, and professionalism are the five main things that should be owned by a journalist,” he said.

On the other hand, according to the Executive Editors of SuaraMuhammadiyah, IsngadiMarwahAtmaja, the alumni of that day workshop would be a Correspondent of SuaraMuhammadiyahin respective regions. The representative of Provincial Executive of Muhammadiyah (Pimpinan Wilayah Muhammadiyah/PWM), the provincial of Literature and Information Council, Muhammadiyah Universities, and general public from all over Indonesia also attended the workshop. (marsha/pwmsulsel) (mac)

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