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Home/ News/ MPI Held FGD Development of Digital TV and Community Radio Production House

MPI Held FGD Development of Digital TV and Community Radio Production House

Yogyakarta – Today’s digital era had spread to various aspects in life, including in television industry. On the other hand, broadcasting institute (radio) was a form of information and communication media that had an important role in spreading balanced and equitable information amongst people, had the freedom and responsibility to perform its functions as media for information, education, entertainment, society control and cohesiveness.

This encouraged Literature and Information Council (MajelisPustakadanInformasi/MPI) of Muhammadiyah Central Executive to conduct a discussion forum related to the development of production house for Digital TV and Muhammadiyah Community Radio, which was held in Campus 1 of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) on JalanKapas, Yogyakarta on Saturday (01/31).

According to the Chairman of MPI PP Muhammadiyah, Muchlas MT, the existence of MPI as supporting leadership element of Muhammadiyah after going through a long journey related to Muhammadiyah media that was suggested in MuktamarMuhammadiyah, which was held in Banda Aceh on 1995 until the latest MuktamarMuhammadiyah in Yogyakarta, finally MPI began to be maximized.

“This FGD is conducted to generate new ideas and suggestion in da’wah media for Muhammadiyah. The suggestions will be published as a guide book for all PWM and PDM in Indonesia on the MuktamarMuhammadiyah, which will be held in Makassar,” said the Vice Rector I of UAD.

This FGD was officially opened by no other than the General Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah, AgungDanarto, and it was attended by practitioners and television expert of Indonesia such as ADiTV, TV Muhammadiyah, some national and local television, practitioners and broadcasting expert of Muhammadiyah community radio in Java, and commercial radio stations around Yogyakarta and Surakarta. This limited discussion would give inspiration in the production of guide book for establishment and management of Digital TV and Muhammadiyah Radio Community. (dzar)

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