Semarang - Cadre Education Council of Muhamamdiyah Central Executive held Baitul Arqam for tenured lecturers of University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus). The implementation of the first wave was conducted on Tuesday-Wednesday (10-11 / 2) and the second wave was Wednesday-Thursday (11-12 / 2) in hotel Nugroho, Bandungan, Central Java.
The event will be preceded with Keynote Speech by Widadi, the Daily Management Council of Unimus, with material of buildingwork commitments in the development of Unimus. Each wave was attended by 40 participants. The materials that would be provided were in the form of worship guidance suitable with the tarjih of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, methodology of understanding the religion of Islam, religious practices according to tarjih, guidelines of muhammadiyah Islamic life in daily life, work ethic of Muhammadiyah cadres, and Muqoddimah of Muhammadiyah Statutes.
The instructorteam of Baitul Arqam of Unimus will be filled by Cadre Education Council of Muhamamdiyah Central Executive, among others were Asep Purnama Bahtiar, Munawar Khalil, Hatib Rahmawan, Agus Sumiyanto, Muhammad Rifqi Rifai, and Khairuddin. (dzar)
Tags: cadre, baitul arqam,muhammadiyah, unimus, Semarang, lecturer