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Create Tool for Disabled, College Students Wins ASEAN Competition.

Yogyakarta- Having previously reap success in the race organized by the University of Indonesia (UI) and in the top 10 teams which were eligible im a competition at the ASEAN level, Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Exoskeleton (Myx-o) finally got satisfactory results. The design of mobility aids for persons with disabilities made by Satriawan Dini Hariyanto, Panji Prihandoko, and Romario Aldrian,students of Mechanical Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, was finally recorded as champions in the Autodesk ASEAN Design Competition, which was held on January 30, 2015. The announcement of the winner was announced on February 6th.

They said that it was not an easy thing to actually win the competition, because there were some things or processes they should do. Although competition promoted by Autodesk Company in Indonesia have been done since 2009, but from 2009 to 2014 there were only two universities in Indonesia which had the opportunity to participate in this competition, the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB).

As in this competition, the team from University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta chose the disabled as a design theme, although in fact there were actually two other themes that they could choose, that was deaf and mute. However, all of them agreed to pick disabled as design theme competition. The reason was because they wanted to help people with disabled to do activities like a normal person. "The first time there in minds was that we wanted to provide opportunities for people with disabled. Therefore we chose the theme of disabled and until we create a design tool that can be used by persons with disabled who cannot walk. This project we named Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Exoskeleton (Myx-o), “explained Satriawan on an interview on Monday (9/2) in the Bureau of Public Relations and Protocol of University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

Moreover, in making the design they also got the inspiration from the tools that already existed and looked for any shortcomings. Myx-o tool was finally emerged with several advantages that did not exist in the previous disabled tool. "Project design that we create is indeed specialized for people who cannot walk. The project design we made as cheap as possible, so this tool can be used by any circles. For the manufacturing we also plan to use materials that easy encounter in Indonesia. That is the reason why these tool is cheap, “said Panji.

Satriawanadded that the advantages of this tool was not just to help people with disabled to be able to walk by him/hersself, but it could also be used to perform a walking therapy. "The main function of this tool will be installed at the foot. The function of this tool is to facilitate people with disabilities who cannot walk in order to be able to walk again. But other advantage is that this tool can be used for stroke patients to perform walking therapy, "he added. (bhpumy) (mac)


Tags: muhammadiyah, difable, disabled, tools, competition, asean

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