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Home/ News/ Aisyiyah District UMM Stressed the Importance of Islamic Work Ethic

Aisyiyah District UMM Stressed the Importance of Islamic Work Ethic

Malang – Towards the course of the 47th Congress of Muhammadiyah and 'Aisyiyah in August, Aisyiyah District Executive of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held a Public Islamic Gathering for the academic community of UMM which took place on Tuesday (10/2) in the Hall of BAU UMM. The event was attended by the lecturers, staffs, and and part-time students of UMM.

According to Dra Hj Romlah MAg, the head of the Aisyiyah District Executive of UMMThis Islamic gathering was also started as the weekly routine of study that would begin on February 27th to June 12th, 2015. "The entire range of these studies, instead to enliven the conference, as well as to build an Islamic ethos in working on this campus, "he said.

The pubic Islamic Gathering with the theme "Building a Work Ethic in Reaching Insan Kamil", presented Vice Chairman of 'Aisyiyah Regional Executive East Java, Dra Siti Dalilah Candrawati Mag, and Vice Chairman of Muhammadiyah Regional Executive (PWM) of East Java, Drs. Noer Cholis Huda MSi.

In his presentation, Dalilah reminded about the importance of working in Islam. "Islam is a religion of hate idleness and laziness because it can be deadly physical and minds," he said.

Dalilahwas also stressed, since Umm was the charitable efforts of Muhammadiyah, then working in the campus wasalso part of the da’wah in the field of education and regeneration. "That work is not merely to make a living, but also for the Incorporation’s da’wah.”

Especiallyfor the women as the lecturers and staffs at UMM, Dalilah referred to them as muballighot who take mission of the da’wah  amar makruf nahi mungkar and also as cadres who were ready to serve for Incorporated.

NoerCholis said, to strengthen his previous statement, that in doing our work, we had to not forget saying bismillah. "Bismillah here means bisomillah, meaning we can choose which one is good and which is bad. It also means, a woman must understand her function, in office working while at home taking care of the family," he said.

For Nur Cholis, like worship, working also needed to be solemn. Do not let your body at work while your mind was at home, or on the contrary, your body was at home and your mind was at work."Therefore, the workplace should be fun, and the people who works have to love his job. Not to regard his work as unimportant things. "

Meanwhile, Dr. Diah Karmiyati Psi, the Vice Rector III UMM, in his speech, hoped, the Islamic Gathering of Aisyiah could make the female lecturersand staffs to have passion at UMM to serve better. It was as supposed it would be since her scope of work was the education which meant was to serve. (han) (mac)


Tags: muhammadiyah, aisyiyah, malang, umm

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