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Visited PP Muhammadiyah, Minister Anies Discussed Education

Yogyakarta – The Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia (Kementrian Pendidikan dan Budaya Republik Indonesia/Kemendikbud), Anies Baswedan and a group of people from Kemendikbud RI visited the office of PP Muhammadiyah in Yogyakarta, Jalan Cik Ditiro 23 on Saturday afternoon (02/14). They were welcomed happily by editorial board of and they went straight to prayer room of PP Muhammadiyah to do collective Dzuhur prayer. The visitation of Minister Anies to PP Muhammadiyah was done to have discussion related to the policy program by Kemendikbud on the Education with Muhammadiyah (Pendidikan bersama Muhammadiyah).

Haedar Nashir, the Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah in his opening speech, explained that Anies Baswedan was not a stranger for Muhammadiyah, because he was included in the big family of Muhammadiyah.

Haedar hoped that as the current Minister of Education and Culture, Anies would be able to successfully fulfill his mandate in accordance with the hope of the Nation, with knowledge and dedication he possessed right now.

The members of PP Muhammadiyah who were also present in welcoming Minister Anies were Yunahar Ilyas, Sukriyanto AR, Muhammad Muqoddas, Marpuji Ali, General Chairman of PP ‘Aisyiyah Noordjanah Djohantini, and the members of PP ‘Aisyiyah, the members of School, Madrasah (Islamic School), and Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) Council and Higher Education Council of PP Muhammadiyah.

Muhammadiyah, said Anies, they really appreciated what Muhammadiyah had done in education sector. Anies wanted to listen to the aspiration and suggestion from Muhammadiyah especially in education sector, particularly in the policy program in his Ministry.

Anies also hoped that Muhammadiyah would also play a role in cultural education. According to Anies, there were some factors that could support our education system. One of them was strengthening the actors involved in education; they were parents, teachers in school and madrasah (Islamic school). Better management of school facilities, the development of access and quality, and the improvement of communication in education, and enhanced management of education budgeting were also important factors to be considered. (dzar)

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