Yogyakarta- Violence at SMAN 6 Jakarta involving students and journalists shows violence in education still massively exist. This can be seen at student orientation program that tends to use violence to junior students as a revenge. Educational system tends to be doctrinaire and not participatory that involve students in the process built at school. That was stated by Slamet Nur Achmada Effendy (General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Student Association or IPM) at its office in Yogyakarta on 21/09/2011.
Later, according to Slamet, students always become a violent object integrated with alumni with various group backgrounds made during study. Training session to become an official member has to go through physical phase. Even rules at schools make students a victim. For example, punishment is made by the school without involving students as a subject of the rule. There is no justice in the rule. For example, if the violation is done by stakeholders, the punishment is different.
Slamet also says that to minimalize violence among students, peer companionship needs to be done as an advocacy process and to build humanistic values awareness. Principally students are not an empty glass that seems to be without potentials and values. Peer companionship becomes an alternative to implement conducive atmosphere because all people can get involved without seeing social background. Teachers and principal are present as a facilitator when interacting socially and academically at school.
According to Slmaet, Kemendiknas (National Education Ministry) needs to promote character building by not promoting violence such as the policy of building RSBI (International Standard Pilot Project School) that tends to cut the rights of poor students. In the future, Kemendiknas must be strict in prohibiting MOS (Student Orientation Program) that use physical and mental violence. Schools must make social contract with students when making rules so that the awareness will appear and it starts collectively.
(trans by hamzah - uhamka)