Friday, 20 September 2024
Home/ News/ DahlanRais Appreciated IPM Ideological Work

DahlanRais Appreciated IPM Ideological Work

Surakarta – In the event of RapatKerjaNasionalPimpinanPusat IPM on Saturday-Sunday (02/28-03/01), to complement the main idea of the event, AzakiKhoirudin, the General Secretary of PP IPM published a new book. After being success with his magnum opus work of Nuun-TafsirGerakan Al-Qalam, now he published another book, entitled MercusuarPeradaban.

In the middle of opening event of rakernas, the General Chairman of PP IPM presented MercusuarPeradaban to DahlanRais, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, right after he gave his tausiyah (lecture on religious matter). Dahlan deeply appreciated this ideological work. The appreciation was especially directed to Azaki by giving warm welcoming applause in front of the participants of rakernas.

This book was intentionally launched on the Rakernasbecause it was hoped to be a complement to the discussion of movement for social engineering. It fitted the vision held by PP IPM, which was making IPM as INSPIRING HOME (RumahInspiratif) for Indonesian scholars. As IPM became the inspiring house, it was hoped that civilization lighthouse for knowledge as the actualization of GerakanPelajarBerkemajuan. (dzar)

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