Kasihan – Indonesia is one of the countries with largest Muslims population in the world. Indonesia has abundant natural resources. However, the position of largest Muslim population and abundant natural resources did not make Indonesia as one of the world decision maker. This was because there was still evil corrupting every aspect of life in the world, including Indonesia, while kindness still had to struggle.
Therefore, Ahmad Syafi’iMa’arif hoped that there would be a group of people who would be able to light the enlightening torch for the world, especially in Islamic world and Indonesia. Such hope was delivered by one of Muhammadiyah leaders who was commonly known as BuyaSyafi’i in Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UniversitasMuhammadiyah Yogyakarta/UMY), in which it celebrated its 34th Anniversary. The talk was given by BuyaSyafi’i when he was the keynote speaker for Talkshow in MalamRefleksi(Reflective Night) and Celebration for 34th Anniversary in Sportorium Building of UMY on Saturday (02/28). The event was also attended by HM. Dasron Hamid, AlfianDarmawan, and Said Tuhuleley, who were also the founder of UMY, as keynote speakers of the talk show.
BuyaSyafi’i also stated that UMY should be able to ignite the enlightening torch along with other Muhammadiyah Universities (PerguruanTinggiMuhammadiyah/PTM). Although it was not an easy task, Buya thought it would be an honorable job. “With this task, we could also be the world decision maker; it is also for the sake of Islamic world. This is no easy task, but it is very honorable thing to do. This is the future task for UMY and other PTMs,” he stated.
Furthermore, BuyaSyafi’i also suggested to Muhammadiyah members, either from PTM or not, to also think of the current condition of Indonesia.Today, moral crisis happened almost everywhere and every day. “Indonesia today, whose Muslims population is the largest in the world, yet we have not woken up our moral. What happened in national level such as excessive personal account, and that is really happening. And it is also the problem of our virtue; it is a matter of our moral,” he affirmed.
Therefore, BuyaSyafi’i suggested that all parties should be involved in thinking about the condition of our country. “Do not stop becoming a politician; we should be able to be promoted as statesman. This is what is lacking on us. Universities should not only focus on Tri Dharma, starting today we should also focus on Catur Dharma, because it is also the lacking point of this country,” he concluded.