Yogyakarta –The upcoming 51st Anniversary of MuhammadiyahCollege Students Association (14 March), the MuhammadiyahCollege Students Association as the level of Muhammadiyah regeneration and da’wah in Muhammadiyah college, of course, it was being prepared to create peopleand nation cadres. There was no exception for Commissariat MuhammadiyahCollege Students Association of Psychology Faculty of University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta.
In thegrand event MuhammadiyahCollege Students Association Synergy 2015, the Commissioner of MuhammadiyahCollege Students Association of Psychology Faculty of University of Ahmad Dahlan held a series of activities during the month of March 2015, to enliven this anniversary. It was held from March 1st until 29th.
These activities thatinvolved all new cadres and also administrators who united themselves made this series of activities, into energy and new faces for Commissariat MuhammadiyahCollege Students Association of Psychology Faculty UAD. It was because the first event that was held by MuhammadiyahCollege Students Association of Psychology Faculty of UAD as a successive agenda that included all the recent activity field and made into a single unit.
The event receivedvery good response from various groups such as sponsorship activities, the new applicants activities, PC and Korkom, Muhammadiyah College Student Association, donors, including institutional which cooperated to make this event successful. "The Muhammadiyah College Student Association must show the profile," said Immawan Sucipto as the Commissioner of Psychology. "This synergy of Muhammadiyah College Student Association hopes to help students develop the horizon, affirming faith and righteous deeds excited." He added
Chairman of theCommissariat, Lady Farhana, said that taking the name of the Muhammadiyah College Student Association Synergy was due to the synergy was a force that was managed and built together into a unified whole and made it big. Therefore, the presence of this Muhammadiyah College Student Association Synergy, hoped to make a good and useful that is felt by all parties.
The series ofevents that will end on March 29, 2015 are:
1.Competition of Photography of Commissioner Muhammadiyah College Student Association national level which had been closed since March 1, 2015
2. Tabligh Akbar
Speaker: Dr. HM. Okrizal Eka Putra, Lc., M.Ag.
Theme: Katanya Islam, Kok Gitu? (Membongkar Kesesatan JIL)
Time: Tuesday, March 10th, 2015 at 19:30
Venue: Auditorium Campus I UAD
3. Leaders Discussion
Speakers: Drs Afnan Hadikusumo, Herrera Zudianto, SE, Akt., MM. and Gatot Sugiharto, S.H., M.H.
Theme: Youth; Reluctant Life, Death Not Want!
Time: Sunday, March 15, 2015, at 8:00
Venue: Auditorium Campus I UAD
4. Talk Show
Speakers: Drs Afnan Hadikusumo, Herry Zudianto, S.E., Akt., MM. dan Gatot Sugiharto, S.H., M.H.
Theme: Narcissism: Save Or Delete
Time: Sunday, March 15, 2015 at 8:00.
Venue: Auditorium Campus I UAD
5. Social Action
Venue: Village Paliyan, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.
Theme: Kesederhanaan yang Menyatukan Kita (The Simplisity We Have)
Time: Saturday-Sunday, 28-29 March 2015
Event Details:
- Warm-hearted Together with Residents
- Reading Qur’an together with the child
- community Islamic gathering
- Sale of cheap groceries
- Donation community