Yogyakarta -In a series of Muhammadiyah College Students Association to Synergy events, the Muhammadiyah College Students Association of Commissariat Psychology of University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Tuesday (10/3), successfully held Tabligh Akbar at the Auditorium Campus I UAD with the theme "Katanya Islam, Kok Gitu?" (You said you’re Moslem, but how could you do such thing). Participants who attended no less than 400 people were very enthusiastic to join the event that discussed the dangers of Sepilis (Secularism, Pluralism, and Liberalism of Religion) until the end of the event.
ImmawanSucipto form as the Coach of Muhammadiyah College Students Association and also the Development Cadre Sector of Institute of Islamic Studies of UAD said that University of Ahmad Dahlan strongly supported the positive activities like Tabligh Akbar. This is a non-physical facilities that UAD college students perceived should be best possible used.
"Secularism essentially made the human soul not concerned with character and morals," said Ustadz Okrizal Eka Putra as a speaker at the Tabligh Akbar. “For example, when there are candidates of Police Chiefwho had passed by the House of Representatives (whereas he was already a suspect), and they found that he was the best graduates of the academy, if he corrupted, then it was his own business. That is secular. They also split between art and religion, science-religion, and others. "
UstadzOkrizal also stated that pluralism which considered that all religions were true, we would reject such understanding in Islam. Muslims only believe that the truest religion was Islam itself, and other religious were cult. We ought to have faith in it, no doubt at all.
ZulfikarM. Nur as the Chief Executive of Muhammadiyah College Students Association to Synergy thanked to the Institute of Islamic Studies of UAD who had fully supported the activities of Tabligh Akbar, to the participants, and to all the organizers who had worked hard to make the events of Tabligh Akbar successfully. Zulfikar hoped that the next event couldbe as successful as expected, which would end at the end of March. (dzar)