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Home/ News/ Ahmad Dahlan Rais Inagurated BPH BaruMuallimiinMuallimaat

Ahmad Dahlan Rais Inagurated BPH BaruMuallimiinMuallimaat

Yogyakarta – The task of Badan Pembina Harian (BPH) MualliminMuallimaatof Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta was to improve Madrasah MualliminMuallimaatMuhammadiyah that has the central role of producing Muhammadiyah arrow.

It was stated by the Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah, Drs HA DahlanRais, M.Hum, after inaugurating BPH Madrasah MualliminMuallimaatMuhammadiyah Yogyakarta for 2015-2019 on Tuesday (03/10), in the hall of dorm 10 Madrasah MualliminMuhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

According to DahlanRais, Muhammadiyah chose MualliminMuallimaat as the main education for cadres to prepare the long history of Muhammadiyah in the long journey of civilization. “Therefore, the role and function of MualliminMuallimaat has the central role in it,” stated DahlanRais.

With the opening of BPH Madrasah MualliminMuallimaatMuhammadiyah Yogyakarta, the Chairman of PP MuhammadiyahDrs HA DahlanRais hoped that both religious schools (madrasah) would be able to improve as the qualitative model for education and has an idiosyncratic character.

Although it was not a new thing, BPH MualliminMuallimaatMuhammadiyah Yogyakarta that was newly introduced to the big family of Madrasah MualliminMuallimaatMuhammadiyah Yogyakarta after the transfer of function by Dr Tasman Hamami, MA as the former chairman to DrAgungDanarto, M.Ag as the new chairman.

On the same occasion, Dr. Tasman Hamami, MA expressed his apology if he had ever done something wrong within his term of office. On the other hand, Dr. AgungDanarto, M.Aq stated that he would work to improve the welfare of teachers and staffs in both religious schools.

The complete organizational structure of BPH Madrasah MualliminMuallimaatMuhammadiyah Yogyakarta included the Chairman: DrAgungDanarto, M.Ag, Vice Chairman: Drs H AlfianDarmawandanDraHjShoimahKastolani, Secretary: Ismail TS Siregar, S.Pd, Treasurer: Drs H AnasFarhan, members: Dr Tasman Hamami, MA, Dr (HC) HabibChirzin, AmikaWardana, M.Sos, MA, PhD, Ali Aulia, Lc, M.Hum, andEvi Sofia Inayati. (ASF)

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