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Home/ News/ The Excitement of Baitul Arqam in Islamic Hospital MuhammadiyahTegal

The Excitement of Baitul Arqam in Islamic Hospital MuhammadiyahTegal

Tegal – A few days ago, Cadre Education Council of Muhammadiyah Central Executive held Baitul Arqam. It was opened by Muhammad Aziz , the Vice Chairman of Cadre Education Council of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, and Tegal Nurokhman, the Chairman of Cadre Education Council of Muhammadiyah Regional Executive. Baitul Arqam was held from Friday until Sunday (12-15/3) at Regional Service Unit of Tegal Tourism Department, Wisata Guci Tourism.

Baitul-Arqam was followed by the entire Executives and Employees of Islamic Hospital PKU Muhammadiyah Tegal with 43 participants. The purpose of Baitul Arqam for the executives and employees is as a form of increasing the role of da’wah and regeneration of Muhammadiyah, regeneration education and ideological strengthening of Muhammadiyah.

The material providedby the facilitator is Worship Practical, Ideology Revitalization, and Ghiroh Fighting in Muhammadiyah, Schools of Religion in Muhammadiyah, Commitment AUM as Muhammadiyah Cadre Development.

The instructors areMuhammad Aziz, Hatib Rahmawan, Agus Sumiyanto, Wiharto Muhammad, Muhammad Rifqi Rifai and Khairul. (Dhar)


Tags: baitulArqam, muhammadiyah, mpk, rsi, tegal,

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