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Narkoba Widely Spread, ‘Aisyiyah Sukoharjo Trained Character Building

Sukoharjo – The newest data from BNN reported that Indonesia had become the main market of illegal drugs trade, with the number of drugs user reaching 3.6 million lives and almost 1.5% of total population of Indonesia died of drugs overdose. This was caused by the wrong mindset of Indonesian people life style, especially of the youths and there were 251 new types of drugs discovered in almost 70 countries. 

Based on this concerning matter, the Chairman of Regional ‘Aisyiyah of Sukorharjo through the Council of Social Welfare (Majelis Kesejahteraan Sosial/MKS) supported by cadres of IPM, HW, IMM, and KMTM of UMS held Character Building Training on Sunday, March 29th 2015 as a preventive move. The event was attended by 196 orphans of MKS PDA Sukoharjo in Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

By taking the theme of Membangun Kecerdasan Hidup Remaja Kreatif, Inovatif, Imajinatif, dan Inspiratif (Building a Creative, Innovative, Imaginative, and Inspiring Youth Life), the topics were enveloped in Materi Dakwah Sukses Bersama Rosulullah delivered by Sri Sunarjono, the Dean of Faculty of Engineering of UMS) and the second topic about Being Smart Student delivered by Suranto, the Director of Vocation of UMS. In the ESQ Material, the participants were given how knowledge could touch their soul to see whether their actions were already done based on Islamic teaching. This topic was believed to be able to encourage the participants to not feel pessimistic about themselves in their life, and would be able to motivate them through tepuk Pandu HW and was concluded by YES (Yakin Esok Sukses). The conclusive topic was delivered by Bambang Sukoco on the drugs as seen through Islam perspective and the Law in Indonesia. 

According to Ismokoweni as the Chairman of MKS PDA Sukoharjo, in the end of the event was also declared Remaja Anti Narkoba (Anti-drugs Youth) by being read by all attendees who also promised to fight against drugs by signing a white cloth prepared as a form of their promise to fight against drugs. “We expect by this character building, the participants will be motivated to always be successful based on the teaching of Prophet Muhammad SAW and walk confidently and always pray for their parents who had nurtured them as devout Muslims,” she explained. (iw)(mac)

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